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Lectade Plus (48 sachets)
Lectade Plus (48 sachets)

Lectade Plus (48 sachets)

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Lectade Plus is a powdered oral solution that is used to speed up recovery in scouring calves. Lectade Plus does this by supplying the calf with essential minerals lost through scour and by rehydrating the calves.

What is in Lectade Plus?

Lectade Plus comes in two individual sachets labled "A" and "B", each containing a unique substance.

Sachet A Sachet B

Glucose Monohydrate

Sodium Chloride
Sodium Citrate
Potassium Citrate
Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate
Sodium Acid Citrate


What causes scour?

Scour is caused by a badly damaged gut. The gut can become damaged in a variety of ways, including infection, parasites and viruses. Scour generally has an underlying infectious reason and is very rarely caused by nutritional reasons alone.

Should I Treat scour with antibiotics?

Antibiotics should only be given if the calf is unable to rise, is weak, has sunken eyes or has a temperature of above 39.5ºC or below 38.5ºC. Antibiotics are not effective against the viruses and parasites which are the most frequent cause of scour. Therefore it makes no sense to use antibiotics in the treatment of scouring calves unless there is also signs of sickness or fever. When antibiotics are used when they are not needed there is a good chance they won't work when they are needed.

How should I treat a calf with scour?

First of all the calf should be removed from the herd. This not only prevents the spread of infection but it also helps the calf to recover. Suckling calves and their mothers should be separated from other calves and their mothers. The most important thing to do when a calf is scouring is to replace the lost fluids and minerals and this is where Lectade Plus comes into play. Healthy calves need around 4 litres of fluid a day whereas scouring calves require at least 8 litres per day. Two doses of Lectade Plus Should be given to the scouring calf per day, these doses not only supply the calf with the additional fluid needed but it also replenishes the calf's minerals and electrolytes that have been lost through scouring. If the the calf refuses to take the solution it can safely be administerd by stomach tube.

When should I call my local vet?

If scour is present throughout your herd your local vet will be able to assist you in discovering what agents are causing it. Your vet should be called if the calf irefuses to drink several feeds per day, is unable to rise, is weak, has sunken eyes or has a temperature of above 39.5ºC or below 38.5ºC

Features of Lectade Plus

  • Oral solution
  • Designed to speed up scour recovery
  • Replenishes minerals lost
  • Rehydrates the calf

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Lectade Plus is for oral administration only. Prepare a fresh solution before each dose by adding the contents of each paired sachet (A and B) to 2 litres (3½ pints) of warm water at a temperature of about 35°C. Immediately signs of scour are seen, withdraw milk or milk replacer and feed 2 litres of solution, made up as directed, twice daily for 2 days (4 feeds). For the next 4 feeds use 1 litre of Lectade Plus solution mixed with 1 litre of milk or milk replacer. Thereafter feed as normal. If scouring is established or severe, causing serious dehydration, the 2 litres of solution should be fed 3 or 4 times daily. Duration of treatment: Lectade Plus may be used on its own for a maximum of 4 days. Lectade Plus may be used on its own or in conjunction with oral antibiotics such as amoxicillin, ampicillin and oxytetracycline. Always feed Sachet A and Sachet B together.

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