The JFC Ringfort Foal Creep Feeder is a secure and effective way to give creep feed to foals in the company of a mare or other grazing livestock. The feed is poured from the top into a waterproof reservoir and dispersed to the four feeding locations. Each feeding station features an adjustable plate to allow younger foals to feed alongside the mare, as well as a weatherproof cover to keep birds and rain out. This labor-saving technology decreases the amount of management and supervision necessary during feeding.
Key Features of the JFC Ringfort Foal Creep Feeder:
- Designed to give a safe technique of creep feeding foals in the field, in the presence of their mothers, with adjustable holes to accommodate foal size/age.
- Feed foals nuts or pellets to help them grow quickly and steadily while also being healthy.
- Feed smaller foals more than larger foals suckling in the same field by changing the plate at the feeder port.
- The waterproof feed reservoir guarantees that the dry nuts or pellets are always fresh.
- To prevent poaching, the animal can be easily transferred to another area of the field.
- Four foals can be fed at once, or numerous foals can be fed on demand anytime of the day.
- The feeder is made of rotationally molded low density polyethylene, which makes it highly sturdy and durable.
- Equipped with a ballast system that can be filled with water or sand.
- Dimensions 1300L x 1300W x 1180H (mm
Please note this product is custom made to order . Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery