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Clikzin Pour-On Gun
Clikzin Pour-On Gun

Clikzin Pour-On GunFree Shipping Weekend

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The Clikzin Pour-On Gun is an essential piece of equipment when using Clik Pour-On and Clkizin Pour-On. The Clikzin Pour-On Gun, when used properly, guarantees the correct application of the pour-on. It has a capacity of 10 ml. 


Elanco AH
 have created an e-Form which is how you will report any blowfly complaints this year.

This can be done on your smart phone or on a PC, Laptop or iPad using the link below.

How it works:
When the form is completed we get the data instantly and log the details supplied, giving it a PV reference number. We then send an email to the reporter with the PV ref. and tell them an Elanco colleague will call the farmer to get further details and to investigate – this will be a member of our Pharmacovigilance team.

How to use the Clikzin Pour-On Gun

Clikzin Pour-On should be applied using the four stroke method as outlined below. It is recommended that and Clikzin is applied using the proper gun which features a fan spray nozzle. 

The Four Stroke Method: The four stroke method ensures the pour-on is applied evenly by applying a quarter of the application at a time in four simple strokes.

1) 1/4 applied from between the shoulders to middle of back

2) 1/4 applied from middle of back to top of animals tail

3) 1/4 applied from one side of the animals tail down the crutch

4) 1/4 applied from other side of tail down the other crutch


Before using this gun please ensure all tubing is attached firmly and that the included springs are securely fitted at over the tubing at each end!!


Blowfly is the main external parasite traditionally affecting sheep in the late spring and summer months. Changing weather patterns have resulted in an increasingly unpredictable and lengthening season. Blowflies are attracted to lay their eggs on areas of soiling or damage (wounds) on the animal, or on carcasses. Therefore, the key to blowfly control is to minimise breeding opportunities by:

  • Managing deadstock: remove deadstock as quickly as possible, and keep deadstock covered while waiting for collection.
  • Managing flock health:  minimise faecal soiling through good worm control and fleece management, and through treating wounds, including foot infections.
  • Using a preventative treatment early in the season: prevent established blowfly strike in the flock to protect the sheep and to prevent those first waves of flies from breeding. Doing this will massively reduce blowfly numbers, and strike risk, later in the season.

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