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Barrier D Sheep Dip - B8498
Barrier D Sheep Dip - B8498

Barrier D Sheep Dip - B8498

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Barrier D Sheep Dip - B8498

Barrier D Sheep Dip is a high quality repellent.It will keep away all known ectoparasites for up to 6 weeks, and is particularly effective against lice and ticks. By adhering to the fleece the product ensures it lasts longer on the sheep and continues to repel paracites for up to 6 weeks. This Sheep Dip is very easy to apply, making it a real farmer's favourite. In addition, it has a pleasant smell in comparison to similar products, and is extremely effective.

It can also be used as a treatment for foot rot.
There is no meat withdrawal period from 
Barrier D Sheep Dip and it is suitable for use on organic farmers. The spent material can be safely spread on the land after use.
It is not suitable for use in sheep showers. 

Active Substance
Natural Plant Oils

Target Species

Treats and Controls
 All known ectoparasites, and is particularly effective against lice and ticks

Application Method
To apply, bath your sheep once they have had at least three weeks of wool growth post-clipping. This will ensure that Barrier D is absorbed into the fleece. Allow the product to dry off naturally. Do administer in wet weather conditions. Always read the label before administering. 

Dilution: 1:100 parts water and top-up rate is the same. Ensure that the bath is very well mixed. 

Withdrawal Period

Key features of Barrier D Sheep Dip

  • Parasite repellent
  • Easy to apply
  • Pleasant smell
  • Suitable for use on organic farms

Flies start breeding from the end of March.
Total fly eradication is unfeasible, but can be adequately controlled if the right actions are taken before flies have had a chance to establish.

For plunge dipping, it is essential to know the capacity of the bath.
Use only the two closed systems to charge the bath and to top up.
Always top up as per instructions; if not, the dip wash will strip out and later sheep will not carry enough ectoparasiticide for it to be effective.
Sheep should never be dipped on a full stomach, when the wool is wet, or when they are heated, tired, thirsty, or suffering from wounds or open sores.
Choose a cool dry day and dip early in the morning.
Rams and fat sheep should be assisted through the bath and lambs dipped separately from the ewes.
It is important to ensure that sheep do not swallow or inhale any wash.

Allow dipped sheep to drain in designated draining pens and do not return to pasture until excess dip has been shed. When dipping, use protective clothing, handle equipment carefully and stick to the manufacturer’s instructions.

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