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Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Boluses (12 Boluses)
Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Boluses (12 Boluses)

Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Boluses (12 Boluses)
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Now £32.00


Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Boluses are an oral dietary calcium supplement for dairy cows. They are an essential source of calcium used for the control of milk fever in cattle. Cows that have a previous history of milk fever or that are pregnant with twins are susceptible to milk fever, Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Boluses can help prevent milk fever in the first place with a bolus given just before or straight after calving and a second bolus given 12 hours later. Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Boluses are designed for dairy cows over 400kg and with both Calcium Chloride and Calcium Sulphate. Both types of Calcium are used to insure best use of the calcium. The boluses work by dissolving in the rumen. Once dissolved the Calcium Chloride is absorbed almost immediately while the Calcium Sulphate will offer a longer, sustained supply of calcium for the cow.  Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Boluses are also very quickly absorbed into the cow's bloodstream.
The boluses are not designed as a cure for milk fever and should not be given to animals showing signs of milk fever or downer cows as they may not be able to swallow. They can be used after a sub-cutaneous injection as part of a routine to prevent relapse. 


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When to use Agrimin 24•7 Calcium Boluses


Administration of the Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Boluses

1. Pre and Post Calving Regime:
Adminster one bolus at the first sign of calving.
Administer a second bolus 12-15 hours after the first bolus.

2. Post Calving Regime:
Administer one bolus immediately after calving (or after sub-cutaneous injection).
Administer a second bolus 12-15 hours after the first bolus.

Use only approved Agrimin bolus guns. Agrimin 24•7Calcium boluses are available in packs of 4 or 12 boluses (see drop-down above).


What is milk fever?

Milk fever is most commonly found in dairy cows and is a metabolic disease that is caused by low calcium blood levels. Milk fever can lead to a shortened life span and reduced milk production with one in twenty cows suffering from milk fever dying.
Signs: Typical signs of milk fever begin with tremors in the muscles of the head and limbs which then leads to the cow staggering and then eventually going down into a sitting position. Finally if left unaided the cow will collapse into a coma and then die.
Other symptoms can include
  • Dry muzzle
  • Staring eyes
  • Cold legs and ears
  • Constipation
  • Drowsiness
Causes: Over 80% of cases of milk fever happen within 24 hours of calving. This is because the production of milk and colostrum drain calcium from the blood of the cow. Some cows are unable to replace the calcium quick enough which is the main cause of milk fever.

Benefits of using Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Bolus

  • Large daily supply of calcium - 43g in each bolus
  • Bolus dissolves and supplies calcium within 30 minutes of administration
  • Calcium from bolus available as chloride (fast release) and sulphate (slow release)
  • Peace of mind for the farmer
  • None of the palatability problems associated with gels and pastes
  • Can be used in conjunction with existing calcium supplementation regime
  • Reduces the risk of calcium chloride aspiration pneumonia.

Features of Agrimin 24-7 Calcium Bolus

  • 4 Boluses per pack
  • Easy to administer
  • Dual action Calcium
  • Quality Bolus

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