The exponential growth in Liquid Gold Sheep sales at this time of the year confirms the growing reliance that so many early lamb producers place in the product, as a means of boosting ewe fertility levels.
Spring lamb prices have been exceptionally strong over the past two years. And there is every prospect of the markets behaving in a similar manner during the early months of 2025.
The profitability of early lamb production is inherently linked to ewe fertility.
“January and February lambing ewes will be flushed over the coming weeks,” Paul Elwood, from HVS Animal Health explained.
“We recommend that ewes are drenched with Liquid Gold Sheep directly prior to going on to fresh grass.
He added:
“There is plenty of good grazing available on farms at the present time. But mineral and vitamin levels in the grass are quite low.
“Drenching ewes with Liquid Gold Sheep three weeks prior to the rams going in will help boost overall fertility and the quality of the eggs produced. A 20ml dose is recommended.”
Liquid Gold Sheep has been developed by HVS Animal Health.
Paul Elwood specifically highlighted the importance of having both ewes and rams on an optimal plane of nutrition in the run-up to the breeding season
“Sheep farmers often forget to make sure that their rams are as fit for purpose as would be the case with ewes,” he explained
“After all, rams constitute half the breed make-up of every flock. So it is crucially important to have them in tip top shape prior to start of the breeding season.”
Paul also highlighted the results of a research trial, undertaken by AHDB Beef & Lamb. The work confirmed the benefits of placing rams on bespoke nutritional programmes prior to putting them in with the ewes.
“Getting the nutritional balance for rams correct will significantly boost both sperm numbers and quality,” he said.
“But the required feeding programmes must be started six weeks prior to the commencement of the breeding season.
“Giving 25ml of Liquid Gold Sheep to rams 6 weeks prior to tupping helps increase the quality and quantity of sperm.”
Paul specifically referenced the need to ensure that breeding sheep are not lacking in trace minerals and vitamins.
He further explained:
“This has been far from a normal grass growing year. It is now becoming evident that cutting back on overall fertiliser levels has also served to reduce trace mineral levels in grass swards.
On-farm experience here in Northern Ireland confirms that drenching ewes prior to tupping with 20 mls of Liquid Gold Sheep will help to significantly improve fertility. Moreover, treated ewes will have a significantly tighter lambing period.”
Paul went on to point out that the Liquid Gold Sheep will supply all the micro trace minerals and essential vitamins required by both ewes and lambs.
He continued:
“The products represent the next generation in chelated mineral and vitamin drenches.
“Increasingly, farmers must seek to maximise the performance of their livestock. The Liquid Gold range has been developed to meet this specific requirement.”
Where sheep are concerned Liquid Gold can be used pre tupping and pre lambing to improve lambing percentages, reduce the number of barren ewes within a flock and to tighten up lambing dates.
“Liquid Gold can also be given to lambs, from one month of age onwards,” Paul Elwood further explained.
“Farmers buying in store lambs should also give these animals a 10ml dose of Liquid Gold Sheep on arrival. Trials have confirmed that such an approach will help boost liveweight gains by 1.24kg over a five-week period.”
Liquid Gold contains a range of chelated minerals and vitamins. It has been formulated to ensure that ewes receive the correct balance of micronutrients in a form which can be easily taken up and delivered quickly to their sites of action within the body. Significantly, Zinc, Manganese, Copper and Iron made available solely in a chelated form. Liquid Gold also contains nucleotides, which will boost red blood cell counts.
“The profitability of early lamb production is inextricably linked to ewe fertility,” concluded Paul Elwood.
“With feed costs still at challenging levels, there is even greater pressure to maximise performance per ewe this year.
“And the commitment to getting this right must start with the proper preparation of the ewe prior to tupping. And it is in this context that Liquid Gold Sheep can play an important role within all flocks.”